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New Investment Law 3908/2011

The “New Investment Law 3908/2011” was voted, and includes significant variations and additional actions enhancing transparency, the promotion of youth entrepreneurship and innovation and overall improvement of business environment.

The types of assistance provided include tax exemption, grants and leasing subsidies or any combinations thereof, by investment category.

Applications for affiliation with investment schemes are submitted in April and October.

Stochasis Management Consultancy S.A., under the framework of Investement Law (N.3908/2011) undertakes:

1. pre-evaluation of the investment proposal
2. collection of the required documentation
3. project development
4. assembly of the dossier for submission
5. electronic submission of the proposal
6. support services and management of the project, upon approval.  

We are at your disposal for any additional information or clarification required at:
+30 210 747 5830-38, + 30 210 747 5200, + 30 210 747 5218